Syed D Jailani 

Elected Board Member for SMCCI on 2014

2016 Spirit of Enterprise Nominee

2019 InspirasiSG nominee

Prestigious CLF Partner since 2012


To be the world largest community empowered individual united to be better in life


We envision a community where every person is privileged to discover their true potential early in life

Core Values

To create an abundance of opportunities for the youth and young adults and to share the knowledge and strategist to be better

We are one of the best
workshop providers in

Syed D Jailani is one of Singapore Top Inspirational Coach cater to teens and young adults


Our adversity programs cater for young adults and adults alike, we do have program caters to teen 

I 2 Can Be!

How to achieve optimal effectiveness and growth mindset?
I 2 Can Be! is all about how you can achieve optimal effectiveness and improve productivity in your life as a whole.

R.I.C.H ™ Personal Development Program

4 steps on how you can be an highly effective individual.
Master the art of personal influence for your professional success.

Achieving a I 2 Can Be Peak Performance and Growth Mindset

The focus of this session will be on the attainment of a high-performance positive mindset, working together as a focused aligned team, resilience, adaptability and optimism during disruptive times.

Syed D Jailani have outreach to many institution, youths to young professionals

800+Speaking Engagement
50000+People inspired so far and still counting
20000+Mentoring hours


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No matter where you are in life, how big your challenges are, how down you are, how you feel that your life is going no where, fret not and remember that You Can Only Be Better! – Syed D Jailani


What they say about Syed